Feeling good about myself and therefore feeling worthy of the wonderful things that being alive brings

Recovery for me means being able to live life in line with my values and life vision. It means feeling good about myself and therefore feeling worthy of the wonderful things that being alive brings. I can now feel the highs and lows in life. I am no longer numb. It's a great feeling knowing that I can make choices in life.

I began drinking at the age of 16.  By 35 I wanted to understand why I was dependent upon alcohol. I wanted to feel in control of my life. I wanted to know myself.

I did 5 years of counselling, I also entered a withdrawal unit on 4 occasions. I have been "sober" for four years.

Learning to know myself and to care about myself. Knowing that life will always throw up challenges and that drinking or looking for emotional support in a bottle will be short term and is not "real". Learning to educate myself about triggers, cravings and knowing when to seek support. I found study and focusing upon my values in life to be integral to my recovery.

I have returned to study and completed a Diploma of Community services and a Diploma of Community Development. I now work for a local Drug Health Service. I have money. My relationships with those I love are great and most importantly my relationship with myself is going well!