Australian Capital Territory | (02) 6207 9977 |
New South Wales | 1800 422 599 (Regional) (02) 9361 8000 (Metropolitan) |
Northern Territory | 1800 131 350 |
Queensland | 1800 177 833 (Regional) (07) 3837 5989 (Metropolitan) |
South Australia | 1300 131 340 |
Tasmania | 1800 811 994 |
Victoria | 1800 888 236(DirectLine) |
Western Australia | 1800 198 024(Regional) (08) 9442 5000(Metropolitan) |
Fire, Ambulance or Police | 000 |
Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 |
We're recruiting participants for a study about the experiences of Victorians who have been picked up for minor drug offences.
Minor drug offences include the possession or use of small quantities of illicit substances (Note: this does not include drug driving offences.)
You are eligible for this study if you are 18+ years of age and have been detected for a minor drug offence (e.g., possession or use) in Victoria within the last five years.
You can choose to participate in either:
(1) a 30-45 minute interview (in person, by telephone or Zoom video conferencing); or,
(2) answering the questions online (20-30 minutes).
Participation is anonymous and confidential and all participants will be reimbursed with a gift voucher.
To express your interest in participating please click here.